Now that Christmas is right around the corner, most of us begin to focus on gift giving. If you are very organized, you’ve been working on this for a while now. For the rest of us, we are busily considering our budgets and options. Many of the best and most personal gifts are handmade, with the person in mind that we are making it for. No doubt, you’ll be on the hunt for fun gifts your children can make and gift to their friends as well.
We’ve located a good one that’s fun for children to make and great to receive! We suggest that you put Christmas Slime Jars on your “must make” list. These are inexpensive, fun, and easy and, can be made quickly and in quantity.
Very young children will be proud of the Rudolph, Snowman or Grinch slime filled jars they make, while older children may want to take these instructions to a much higher level by using scrap cloth, lace, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, and other trims with a cold glue gun to “dress” their creations. This is a creative activity that really has no limit except their own imagination. Another twist on this creation could be to use the clear, plastic ornaments as the container instead of a jar. These can be decorated in a similar fashion.
We located this idea on the website called The Best For Kids. They have a lot of great ideas to help your holidays be full of fun.