Who Has Your Burdens?

Sharon Gamble

Sharon Gamble and her husband, Ray, homeschooled two daughters who are now married with children of their own. Her youngest is also a homeschool mom. Sharon is a speaker and writer at Sweet Selah Ministries. She started this ministry in order to “ …encourage a movement away from the belief that ‘busy is better’ and toward the truth that stillness and knowing God matter most—and will be reflected in more effective work and service.” Check out her website and ponder awhile: www.sweetselah.org

Dear homeschool mom,

One of my biggest mistakes when I homeschooled my two girls, was believing that my children’s life choices and eventual successes were all dependent on me raising them correctly. I tried to control everything in their environment to “make” them be good. I felt so burdened by this belief that it was all up to me! It was only later that I finally learned that God bears our burdens and makes them light, and He is the one to change a human heart … not me. I hope this little devotional encourages you to pray and then trust Him with what you asked. Love, Sharon

Who Has your Burdens?

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

It was when I was taking a long walk a few years back that I finally understood this burden thing. I was definitely “weary and burdened” as I reflected on several hard situations. I had a friend with cancer. Another friend had a daughter who was involved with a dangerous man. My own children were not making good choices, despite all the energy we had invested in teaching them the ways of God. I felt so defeated. The day around me was sunny and bright, but my heart was heavy.

“Lord,” I cried out. “WHY is life so hard? And why do I feel so heavy and hopeless? Didn’t you say your yoke is easy and your burden is light?” As I listened for His voice in my mind as I walked, I felt like I heard Him say, “It’s because you don’t trust Me.” And there it was. I had to face the reality that I actually didn’t trust Him. The proof of that was my continued fretting and worrying about how to “fix” all these broken situations, carrying the weight of it all on my own extremely inadequate shoulders. Of course I prayed about these problems, but then I just picked them back up and worried over them all over again.

That trust thing is HARD. When I bring a problem to the Lord and hand it to Him, I need to walk away without it. The peace comes when I leave it there with Him, contented that He is able to move and change and shape situations as He knows best. Is He or isn’t He the only One who can whisper to a human heart? Does He or doesn’t He know the beginning from the end? Can He or can’t He work horrible things out for ultimate good? Do I trust Him in the messy middle of a situation? Do I really think I can handle it better than Him?

When I trust Him, my burdens are truly light. I do what I can do: enjoy sunshine on a bright day, send a note of encouragement to my friends, and continue to love my Lord, modeling what is good in front of my children. I leave what I can’t do: cure cancer, restore broken relationships, make people be good… to God.

Father, forgive my lack of trust in You! I am so sorry for the times I come to You in prayer, but then walk away not believing You are able to answer and help me. Forgive me when I don’t trust that You are at work even when I don’t see it. Help me to simply honor you in my daily life, as best I can, holding on to Your big Hand, and leave the running of the Universe to You. In Jesus’ Mighty All-Sufficient Name, Amen.

3 Responses to Who Has Your Burdens?

  1. Such a great message, been there , learning to do that, learning to place at all on the Altar and let Him take care of it, and learning to completely trust Him
    Cheerfully His

  2. Thank you for sharing this important message with us! We all need to be reminded of this at times. So often we pray about things and then pick those very things back up and take them with us. I have been guilty of that in my own life, blaming myself for so many things that I actually have no control over. So today, I renew my commitment to leave it at the feet of Jesus and trust Him!!!!!

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