
You can find out more about Todd, Debbie, his eight children, their RV, and ministry at www.familymanweb.com

This article is going to be short because I’m off to Pasadena, CA (after arriving home from Phoenix, AZ two days ago). I’m exhausted because I didn’t go by RV! I had to travel by plane which is way worse than RV travel. It may be fast, but it’s not a journey… it just gets you to a destination.

There’s no flexibility in air travel. When you see an amazing canyon out the window, you can’t announce to the rest of the plane, “I think we should stop there to see what it’s like in person.”

Even CAR travel offers little flexibility when traveling the highways and byways. After all, you have to arrive at some pre-planned overnight accommodation, so you can’t always stop at the historic site the brown sign announces.

RV travel, however, gives you all the flexibility in the world… especially if  you’re Wally-Docking (which we’ll talk about next week). Here’s a snapshot: You’re traveling down I-65 on your way to Florida and you see the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, KY. You don’t have to be anywhere that night and you know there is a Wal-Mart with your name on it where you can park… somewhere along the road. So you stop and see the amazing process of assembling a shiny red Corvette.

I’m telling you RVing has allowed us to have the flexibility to stop at all kinds of interesting places like a potato chip factory, the world’s biggest wind chime, Herbert Hoover’s Presidential Museum and Boyhood Home, and the beach, to enjoy the sun and sand, just to name a few.

Had we traveled by some other mode… we would have been slaves to the schedule and destination and missed out on… the JOURNEY!

Until next time…swing wide and keep your eye on your tail,


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